I'm back and refreshed after an adults-only weekend for Cannon and I. Parrish went on a last minute trip to spend the weekend riding the tractor on his great-grandparents farm in south Alabama. Isn't it funny how much more you appreciate your free time now that we have kids? Pre-kids I had no idea to be thankful for how easy it was to just decide to do something on a whim. A last minute movie, trip to the store, or dinner out?! Not so much when you have kiddos. So, it makes it all the more precious when you do have those rare times again. But, I have to admit that for the last two nights I have been so sad without Parrish to cuddle with in bed. Evenings are hard for me without Olivia, I guess because that is when I would rock her for long stretches of time while she slept, but having Parrish to get in bed with always makes me feel like I will survive. Without that little monkey hogging the bed I don't do very well. (Never thought I'd say that!) Quality of sleep with 3 people in a queen bed is not so good, but emotionally-speaking-it's GREAT!
Last weekend we spent time with our friends The Coles at a Young Life Camp in north Georgia called Sharp Top Cove. Jeff heads up the Shelby County Young Life efforts and invited us as adult guests so we could experience what camp is like. To say it was impressive is an understatement. I mean, check out this picture:
It doesn't look like any Christian camp I ever visited while growing up! I wish I had done a better job taking pictures because you wouldn't believe the grounds and buildings and activities. Middle schoolers were there that weekend and despite the cool weather they were riding the zip line into the lake, climbing the rock wall, riding the 3-person sling shot swing and soaking in the hot tub. All weekend Jeff kept telling us we'd witness organized chaos and that was the perfect description. I was not familiar with Young Life before I met Mary and Jeff. But after experiencing it for myself, I am hooked. I hope Parrish will be a part of it one day and look forward to continuing to volunteer in whatever ways Jeff and Mary need us to. Young Life's mission is so refreshing. They don't expect kids to "get fixed" and then come to church or young life. They minister to the un-churched and the disinterested churched (which there are more of than we'd like to admit). They want the kids to come and bring their baggage. Their trials, their addictions, their hurt, their anger and the hope is that the experience will not only be fun, but life-changing. Young Life has had a positive impact on so many people and Mary gave me a devotional book called Moments With The Savior soon after Olivia passed. It was written by Ken Gire, who worked for Young Life. This.book.is.life.changing. Seriously. I read one devotional every night before bed and am transported to the streets of Jerusalem with Jesus. I have never read a devotional written from our savior's perspective before, and I HIGHLY recommend this one. It will change your heart. I'm not kidding. You can order it here:
Here are a few more pictures I snapped while at Sharp Top Cove:
These are the kids in "club." They sing, dance, have skits and games and have a message from a Young Life speaker during this time.
Yes, that is a man dressed up and zip lining to the stage. The skits were hilarious.
They played "censored" hip hop songs at meals while the kids get seated. Parrish and Crews were standing by our table dancing in this picture.
Parrish and Crews spent a lot of time hunting lady bugs while we were there. They were everywhere and great entertainment.
Parrish showing off his new lady bug friend.
Ta-da! With CC and Cannon's help we turned those awesome mercury glass bottles into boudoir lamps. One pair is for sale at the OC Booth at Hanna's. And I've decided to get a little enjoyment out of the third at home on my kitchen breakfast bar. You would not believe how easy it was to turn these into lamps for all of $17! The bottle lamp kit was $7 at Wal-Mart and the shade was $10 at Lowes. Considering it would have cost $80-90 to have someone do this at a lamp shop, I'd say we got a good deal and are excited to pass the deal along to the person who takes those home from my booth!

I need some help deciding on a bible verse for the back of this painting. My friend Rorie first taught us how to paint these angels at a church MOMS get together. After Olivia died I decided I needed some painting therapy and reworked it giving it some texture and a few tweaks to make it mine. I want to put a bible verse on the back that is relevant to our angel and heaven. Any suggestions? I am also looking for a verse to go on her wall plaque at The Amelia Center. I want it to be just right, so while I've come up with a few options I just can't put my finger on "the one." Suggestions, please!
Kristin - This is Meredith Rabalais, Bill Mattice's sister. I hesitated posting a comment because I don't really know you, but I decided to obey the Holy Spirit and let you know I've been praying for you and your family constantly since I heard about the passing of your precious Olivia. I somehow stumbled upon your blog and felt the Lord compelling me to share a devotional book with you...It's called Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. It has been such a blessing to me, and I hope if you have the chance to read it, it will be a blessing to you as well. Please know that a stranger in Atlanta is lifting you up in prayer daily. Love, Meredith
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Meredith. I am glad you posted and shared your devotional recommendation. Another friend has suggested it as well, so now I guess it's my turn to obey the Holy Spirit and go buy the book! Thank you for your prayers.